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FractoGene Patent on Mathematical Language of Genetic Code
FractoGene Patent on Mathematical Language of Genetic CodeAdded :
(Mon Sep 02 2002)
CONTACT: Andras J. Pellionisz, Ph.D.
Founder & CEO of HelixoMetry, inc. 937 Rosette Court
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Phone: 408-891-7187 http://fractogene.com
FractoGene Patent on Mathematical
Language of Genetic Code
Sunnyvale, CA – September 3, 2002 --
HelixoMetry, inc. announces that its “FractoGene” USPTO patent (pending)
on the mathematical language of genetic code is available for exclusive or
non-exclusive licensing. Dr. András Pellionisz, Founder and CEO, is USPTO
customer 32892, Associate Member of the National Association of Patent
Practitioners, NAPP. He electronically submitted patent application called
“FractoGene” and received hard copy confirmation.
“When the human
genome was mapped out little over a year ago, up to 97% of the DNA was
found to contain, instead of genes, so-called non-coding sequences, termed
in acute embarrassment “junk genes” – says András Pellionisz, inventor of
FractoGene. „One person’s junk is an other person’s treasure”, he
continues. Now he is proud to have incorporated his HelixoMetry Company,
and to have submitted a Provisional patent application to protect
FractoGene, his invention for the mathematical language of highly
repetitious genetic code.
Dr. András J. Pellionisz, a former
University Professor of New York University, 1976-1990 and Senior Research
Fellow of the National Academy of the USA to NASA, 1990-1993, subsequenty
senior Executive of Silicon Valley Internet Companies (of Ernst &
Young, inc.). Subsequently, he was Chief Intelligence Officer of Fabrik,
inc, Verge, inc, Xmarksthespot, inc, and Mindmaker, inc. Dr. Pellionisz
incorporated HelixoMetry in early 2002 in Sunnyvale. He is an
internationally renowned inventor-scientist who pioneered pattern
recognition neural network technology. His first patent was obtained in
1984, and in 1990 he received the Alexander von Humboldt Prize for Senior
Distinguished American Scientist from Germany for his pioneering in neural
HelixoMetry uses introduces break-through mathematical
algorithms to decipher the genetic code, as „geo-metry” (suitable to
measure Geos, the Globe) is inappropriate to mathematically characterize
the double helix and to crack the genetic code.
HelixoMetry, inc.
is a Biotech Intellectual Property Holding (a privately owned California
corporation) in the field of Biometry. Pending Patent of FractoGene is a
utility to count the extremely repetitive number of base-pair sequences in
the genetic code, based on the axiom that – contrary to current belief
held by many – these supranumerary genes are not „junk” but constitute
fractal sets. In turn, body organs and organelles (brain cell
arborizations, coronaries, lungs, bowels) that are known to be most
suitably modeled by fractal mathematics, develop in self-similar
„generations”, where the basic template determined by the undifferented
genetic information encapsulated in the „stem cell” , and physiological
and pathological differentiation governed by regular- or erroneous number
of base-pair repetitions.
FractoGene Patent will be used to
protect the intellectual property leading to almost immediate applications
in diagnosis of hereditary diseases where there is a drastically
supernumerary „run” on the „non-coding genes” (so-called introns, that are
known to play a role in gene expression). Later, with modification of the
genetic information becoming increasingly available, FractoGene will be
used to remedy pathogenesis of brain cells and other organelles of the
body. Stem-cell research and drug discovery are also prime target
applications for FractoGene.
Information regarding the use of
fractal mathematical language of genetic code is available in the websites
http://fractogene.com and http://helixometry.com.
The most obvious
Partnerships that HelixoMetry seeks with its FractoGene Patent (Pending),
shown in http://fractogene.com/patentpending.html are
Translation Memory Company, Partnership, M/A (2) "Big Pharma"
Pharmaceutical Company, M/A (3) "Big IT" Information Technology
Company, Acquisition (4) Bioinformatics Company, Cooperation /
Partnership (5) Genomics Data-Base Company, M/A / Partnership (6)
University R&D Center, M/A / Directorship (7) Regional Center
Uniqueness, Cooperation, Silicon Valley Presence
of the inventor of FractoGene. and Founder and CEO of HelixoMetry, Inc.
are shown in http://usa-siliconvalley.com/inst/pellionisz
Submitted by: Andras
Pellionisz, Ph.D.
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