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What is behind the "Fractal Frenzy" in Personalized Medicine?

It is all about Geometry of Nature. Geos, the Universe, the Brain ... and the DNA.
Actually, it is at least a 2500 year long, steady story, with only the last 200 years accelerating. The last chapter of half a Century became extremely "hurried" under extraordinary pressures; this time going for
Personalized Medicine


HelixoMetry, Inc, FractoGene (Patent Pending), Silicon Valley, USA (Dr. András Pellionisz)

The Hunt Laboratory, UC San Francisco, USA (Dr. Anthony Hunt)

Fractalgenomics, Inc., San Francisco, USA (Dr. Sandy Shaw)

Fractal EU Competence Centre, The Netherlands, West Europe (Dr. Jules Ruis)

Fractal EU Competence Centre, Hungary, Central Europe (Dr. Tamás Vicsek)


Geo-Metry or Helixo-Metry?
Francis Crick and James Watson discover the extrinsic geometry of the Genome: the Double Helix. Have the book with all ACTG letters. What does it say? In what language? Where is the code-book? What is the encryption-algorithm? Francis Crick turns later to Neural Networks for some answers.

Genentech, inc. is incorporated in Greater Silicon Valley by Bob Swanson and Jean Deleage. Going for the "silver bullets" of medicine, just like starting to build a thermonuclear bomb before the physics is done. The pressure was "on".

Fractal Geometry of Nature
Benoit Mandelbrot's classic. He coined the term "Fractal" and established "fractal art" with the "Mandelbrot-set". Suspected that brain cells are also fractals.

Boston University, Center for Polymer Studies
Biofractals collection Patterns in Nature

Nonlinear dynamics in life sciences

Prof. Pellionisz' metric tensor defines the curved geometry of the geometrical function of brain (the Cerebellum). Tensor Network Theory spaces by means of Moore-Penrose generalized inverse. Sensorimotor theory of covariant and contravariant vectors stands experimental scrutiny by Gielen, Zuylen (Holland) and Peterson et al. (Chicago) - although understood by very few beyond a small circle, even today. Almost two decades later, connection between covariant vectors and fractals is conceptually established.

Profs. Gielen and Zuylen in Holland and Peterson et al. in Chicago experimentally verify Pellionisz' Tensor Network Theory for Nature's geometry of brain function

Prof. Walter Freeman (Berkeley) uses chaos theory to describe how brains make chaos to make sense of the world.

Prof. Eckmiller (Bonn) nominates Pellionisz to win the "Distinguished Senior American Scientist" award (Humboldt Prize) by Germany for his Geometrical Approach to Brain Function.

Pellionisz shows that Neuron (Purkinje cell) is fractal. Suspects that "self-similarity" will have to do with the Genome, as there can not be enough information in the genome for specifying each dendritic tree

Pellionisz develops blueprint for "Decade of the Brain" for NIH-NIMH-NSF and "Flying with artificial cerebellar Neural Nets" for NASA Ames

Pellionisz receives Alexander von Humboldt Prize for Senior Distinguished American Scientists, and spends half a year in Germany

Mategna, et. al. suspect that Genetic Code has a language-like underpinning. The functional geometry is unknown. Zipf-law in DNA basepair-sequences is substantiated

9 years after Pellionisz submits plan, NASA Ames-Dryden flies an F15 fighter plane with Neural Nets

Fractal dimension of proteins

Erhard Bieberich: Connection made between Pellionisz' Tensor Network Theory of covariant and contravariant vectors and Fractals. Mathematical analysis 2. A covariant component of the input vector vi' is iteratively subtracted until the output vector vi is orthogonal to ui. This computational process is similar to a model introduced by Pellionisz and Llinas for signal adjustment of sensory input to executive motor output vectors in the cerebellum (Pellionisz A. and Llinas R., 1980). By this adjustment the system of u-vectors is consistent with the construction of the Sierpinski triangle by a tree like network with the enclosed angles determining the direction cosines (Fig. 2C). It should be noted for purpose of generalization that the network construction of the fractal is again directed by a linear affine transformation

Fractal neuronal networks

Human Genome Project is finished, DNA revealed, code is not, with up to 97% "Junk Genes"...

Jan 14. 2002
HelixoMetry incorporates with Pellionisz as founder, less than half a Century after Watson and Crick created the demand for Double Helix' intrinsic "Geo"- Metry

Feb. 16, 2002
FractoGene conceived, coined by Pellionisz and first offered in powerpoint 7th of March, 2002 March

May 15, 2002
HelixoMetry signs non-exclusive agreement with Translation Memory Company - not involving FractoGene

July 15, 2002
Pellionisz receives the "National Leadership Award" from Congress

Aug. 1, 2002
FractoGene Patent (pending) is electronically submitted to USPTO Aug. 1st, 2002 (hard copy acknowledgement received)

Sept. 2, 2002
Press Release on the Patent (Pending) of FractoGene, the Fractal Language of Genetic Code

Sept. 10, 2002
FractoGene Patent & Technology websites designate 7 marketing areas

Sept. 20, 2002
Websites spotted with compatible approaches: Bay Area

Sept. 21, 2002
Websites spotted with foundation of Network Science: Barabási Books

Sept. 22, 2002
Websites spotted with compatible approaches: Academic: Network Dynamics Research Group: Santa Fe

Sept. 22, 2002
Websites spotted with compatible efforts to uncover connections: Corporate

Sept. 25, 2002
Florida Investment Bank approaches HelixoMetry to finance FractoGene, Morgan Stanley approaches HelixoMetry for Investment Banker role

Sept 28, 2002
Pellionisz gets invitation to give plenary Lectures, and Publish Book

Sept 29, 2002
Pellionisz is interviewed about FractoGene by TV stations in New York / New Jersey / Connecticut / Florida / Hungary

Oct. 7, 2002
founder of HelixoMetry & Inventor of FractoGene enters into term sheet discussions with Sophisticated Angels

Oct. 22, 2002
Prof. Anthony Hunt (UCSF, Hunt lab in top ten),
in addition to continuing to feature as the "main picture" of the website a fractal interpretation of microarray data (by Hunt lab alumnus, Sandy Shaw), but now defines his lab by "Computational Therapeutics" and "Therapeutic Engineering".

Nov. 21, 2002
Massive News Media Response to FractoGene to evaluate its investment potential

Dec. 21, 2002
Massive News 4 "Big Pharma" Negotiations squeeze out Venture Capital involvement in financing FractoGene/Helixometry

Dec. 31, 2002
Dr. Pellionisz gets invitation to Edit Special Issue of "The Cerebellum" (a peer-reviewed Internet Journal) to tie together Information Geometry of Cerebellum with genetic emergence of physiological and pathological cerebellar neurons, as Friedreich spinocerebellar ataxia "run" on the first intron of a gene by Massimo Pandolfo is identified